Dear Chef,
We are all living in exceptional times, which are impacting upon our sector like never before. We know that the recommendations and measures that have been put in place by the government will have a significant impact on you, your establishment and your colleagues or employees, which is why we wanted to share a message of solidarity and support for everyone affected.
It’s a time to be cautious, but also a time to think collaboratively and positively about the future of our industry. We'll be sharing weekly updates and advice on a number of topics as the situation develops across the UK and Ireland via our dedicated newsletters and on our website. We will be working closely with our partners in the industry to strengthen this support, whilst at the same time recognising and showcasing some of the positive work being done by the sector's extraordinary community. We will also share our thoughts and guidance on how you can be prepared for the re-opening of your establishment once this is all over – ensuring that you come back stronger than ever before.
We are a service industry, but it’s not just about the food and drink we serve on a daily basis: it’s about the contact and connection we have with our customers too. We will miss them, but we will be back stronger and better, and we are confident that community and togetherness will be the enduring message of this crisis.
From all of us at Unilever Food Solutions, we remain hopeful. We look forward to seeing all the stoves, grills and ovens switched back on soon, allowing your creativity and passion to be served to all of your customers once more.
Warm regards,
Alex and Audrey