Peas are one of the most popular vegetables, very nutritious, growing best in cool, moist soil and withering in summer heat. They are full of vitamin C, Vitamin A and iron. Try something different than just cooking peas, like mixing them raw with some olive oil, salt and pepper and then spreading over bruschetta. Your customers will love it! A cup of peas contains more protein that an entire egg.
Our recipe tip: Fish and Chips with yoghurt pea puree

Tomatoes are in fact fruits but are usually classed as a vegetable due to their affinity for savoury ingredients. They vary in size, form and colour. Why not colour up your salad or sauce with orange, brown or yellow tomatoes? Chilling tomatoes mutes their flavour - so keep them stored at room temperature. Sun-dried tomatoes have a chewy texture and intensely savoury flavour. Serve as antipasti, added to salads or sandwiches. Delicious!
Our recipe tip: Pan fried trout with spinach & tomatoes

The strawberry is the most popular berry fruit in the world. Strawberries are not fruits as their seeds are on the outside, they are a member of the rose (rosaceae) family. They have been used throughout history in a medicinal context to help with digestive ailments, teeth whitening and skin irritations. They are ranked no 27 in the US among the best antioxidant sources commonly eaten foods.
Our recipe tip: Strawberry & Cream Parfait

Broad Beans
Broad beans are a great source of protein and carbohydrate as well as vitamins A, B1 and B2. They should be bought as fresh as possible, pods should be firm and crisp. Avoid any that have pockets of air inside. Broad beans are at their peak June to mid-September. These can also be used a savoury snack by frying, causing the skin to split open and then salted or spiced.
Our recipe tip: Pea and broad bean risotto